Quick Start

Quick Start #

Install #

Download binary from the releases.

Create a basic task #

In udo.py

UDOConfig = {
  'version': '1.3.0',

FPATH = '/tmp/test.touch'

def TaskTouch():
  return {
    'description': 'Creates the file',

    'outs': [FPATH], # This task creates these files

    'actions': [
      f'echo "Ahoy there!" > {FPATH}',

Execute it #


Try to execute it again… #

And see that it won’t happen because the results were cached

Remove the outputs #

udo clean

Use the output in other tasks #

def TaskMessage():
  return {
    'description': 'Prints the file',

    'deps': [FPATH], # This task depends on these files
    'capture': 1, # Show stdout

    'actions': [
        f'cat {FPATH}',
udo # Will execute them in order: Touch -> Message